Sunday, 29 October 2023

POST 5: Changes to my study programme.

     Hello everyone! this is my last post for now and the topic is a little bit hard because I love my major but I will try my best.

    Well, I going to tell you about some changes could be made in my study programme. First of all, I have to say that my major is good and I love it, but obviously always is something wrong producing troubles either related with the major or not and in this post I will mention 3.

     The first change I could and would like to do is not related with my major but it is important: The university infrastructure! the main reason for this change is the older construction, some floors aren't connected with the elevator or each other and there are only 2 elevators (yes, there are) and we are probably 150 students, teachers and assistants in the whole building a day. This is problematic because always, literally always people have to wait the elevator for quite minutes.

The second change is the length of the major, mainly because there are some courses that are obligatory but they doesn't help very much to you and that could be a reason to expand on the major for 2 or 3 years.

    The third change to do is maybe only for caprice but I think it's important, and this change could be the weekly schedule for your courses, for me is a problem because sometimes your subjects have 3 hours from each other, it's horrible! Ok, you can study in that time but you maybe will end the day tired too much. Why this is a problem? Is a problem because I living in another city, my university is in Santiago but I live in Rancagua so it's a big problem because if I have a time window of 3 hours, I can't travel to home, I just have to stay there and wait the last class of the day to leave Santiago and finally be in home.

Well, I hope my point of view was understood, this all for today, see you!

Sunday, 8 October 2023

POST 4: Time travel to the

     Hi everyone, here we are again, this week the topic is very interesting: TIME TRAVEL. This is a concept that I use to think although I don't believe it's possible (maybe it is but I don't know).

    If time travel was possible I would like to travel to the past honestly, because I think it's better than future just for the knowledge you have about the past, so you could be a little bit "intelligent" if it can be named in that way. Thinking about a specific moment in the past that I would like to travel, I would like going to Jesus times... yes, I prefer that time over Renaissance and others, I can explain this saying that I'm Christian so I think is special for me because Jesus represent an unpopular lifestyle that I'm trying but more important, He represent the good principles like modesty, kindness, happiness and more.

    Also I would like travel to Jesus times because I had been seeing the miracles he did so I had been experience part of the Bible. Obviously the society in that time was very different than nowadays and in the same way its technology too: they hadn't cellphones or any kind of car, them edifications was constructed different, less people and more green in Jesus's time. all these things make me want travel to the past, meet and practice Jaw's lifestyle and experience history.

    I hope my point of view was been understood, I'm not good expressing me writing so excuse me... This post is maybe the most reflexive definitely. That's all for now, see you next post.

Sunday, 1 October 2023

POST 3: My dream job.

    Hello everyone again, this is my third post and I hope you like it!

    First of all, I have 3 dream jobs (in this things  decide), in priority order are BECOME AN ARTIST PLAYING THE CLARINET, BUY AND SELL CLASSICAL MUSIC PRODUCTS and BECOME A LUTHIER but now, I'll just talking about BECOME AN ARTIST (a classical music artist).

    This dream sounds easy but it's not because the artistic world is very competitive, so is hard of achieve but not imposible. 

    I imagine this job in other country really, specifically in France, I love that countries and there's one reason: France is a very good place for music and orchestras and maybe almost every clarinetist thinks live and work there, also in France some important brands like Vandoren or Buffet Crampon makes classical music products (reeds, mouthpieces, clarinets, bells for clarinets and more), so live in France would be amazing. USA and Germany are considered the best places to have a career in classical music but France is enough for me; I imagine me working in a famous orchestra of France living near of my job and near of some restaurants (I love going to eat after work!).

    If I take a time to mention the skills I need in my dream job perhaps you will understand why is very competitive and hard: your skills must to be very high in quality and determination, if you don't be motivated enough you will be pass easily for other clarinetist whose quality and determination are more than yours. Also you will need very good clarinets to play well, in another form your sound will not be nice for the people, less for your soloists concerts.

    My dream job is really hard to get so that's make me want to improve my skills in the clarinet and always think in that, the opportunities are not many. I HAVE TO BE THE BEST!

    And that's it for now, see you in the next post ;).

POST 5: Changes to my study programme.

      Hello everyone! this is my last post for now and the topic is a little bit hard because I love my major but I will try my best.      W...